Di Beatrice Folini
After 16 years of activity, Yahoo Answers, the question and answer website founded in 2005, will close down. From April 20 th , it will no longer be possible to post questions or answers, and from May 4 th , its contents will no longer be accessible, so if someone tried to search for the Answer page, they would be redirected to the Yahoo homepage. There is a possibility for members to download their own content until June 30. Born with the intention of allowing users to share information and helping each other to solve the various problems of life, from the most important ones to the most futile ones, in recent times Answers has become less popular; this happened because it has been replaced by other sites and social media such as Reddit and Quora, that are more easy and reliable, and because, after the introduction of the anonymous function, the whole website has fallen into a real abyss of trolls, fake news and conspiracy theories, especially in America.
Yahoo has become aware of this problem and has explained its decision to deactivate the website in order to offer its users content of a certain quality that can be truly useful and truthful and in order to prevent misinformation and dangerous news. There are many people who are against this choice: from those who complain about losing a real piece of web history; a well of hilarious pieces and those who desperately wonder: “And now what am I going to do with geometry problems and summaries of epic?”
In spite of all these complaints, we must prepare to leave this companion who has followed us especially in the early years.