Cat calling, or the harassment that take place in the street, as whistles and appreciations not hailed by the women protagonists of these numerous events, once again the center of attention with a new victim…
Cat calling, so called a type of harassment that provides appreciations not liked by the woman; more and more cases are seeing this type of harassment at the center of the hurricane, but this is only the last frontier of gender violence.
But let’s start from the beginning, what is cat calling?
In recent months we have heard a lot about the phenomenon of catcalling, this is a “sexual harassment, mostly verbal, that takes place in the street”
79% of women suffer Catcalling before the age of 17, and result of various universities have made it clearthat catcalling is a pervasive problem in the world.
When the catcalling is born?
Catcalling is a word of the English language first appeared in 1956 in an American newspaper; it has become fashionable in recent times, with cat calling it is customary to indicate street molestation, So these are mostly unwanted comments about women in public areas.
The term comes from the union of two English words: cat+calling that is “to call cat”, this includes the whistles and the comments that very often come turned to the women
The noun and the verb catcall appear on several important dictionaries and for the noun catcall the disapproval whistle is in tents that is directed against someone; for the verb, the act of whistling to express dissent.
In our country the word is more recent introduction, even if the phenomenon it describes is not at all new; in the dictionaries of the Italian language we find a word that has a meaning really similar to that of catcalling: PARROTS.
Among the many cases that have occured in recent years, at the center of attention we find Aurora Ramazzotti, daughter of Michelle Hunziker and singer Eros.
This girl was a victim of it during a race in the park and on her Instagram page, followed by over 2 million followers of all ages, she took it out talking about what happened.
Aurora wrote in her post: “Am I the only one who is constantly a victim despite me dressing like a tomboy? As soon as I put on a skirt or, as in this case, I take off a sports jacket, because I’m running and it’s freaking hot, I need to hear the whistles, the sexist comments, the crap. I hate it.
If you’re a person who does and you’re watching this, you know you suck”
To give further focus is added Damiano “Er Faina”, youtuber and former competitor of Temptation Island, who several times expressed his opinion on cat calling on his Instagram stories; after the story of Aurora the youtuber intervened saying: “The catcalling? For two whistles? I do not know where we will end up. If someone touches you, I can understand. But if a whistle and he says to you I say to you ‘ah bella’…”
In the end, however, the influenzer clarified by saying: “Obviously, this applies to the boys. Because if a 16-year-old boy comes along with a 60 and says to her I’m the one who pulls a shoe…”
Emily Shaqiri, Simone Pasquali,
Tommaso Pascali e Lavinia Mariani