In Italy on the 19h of may 2021 the Chamber of Deputies has finally issued a law which recognizes, promotes and protects the language of signs (LIS). Such Law constitutes an important milestone on a problem which has been neglected for too many years. It represents a sign of civilization and progress not limited to deaf and dumb community but to all Italians. Issuing the Law filled up Italian serious delay in this context, as a matter of fact our country till May 2021 was the back marker of Europe as it was the only one who didn’t have a national language of sign.
The above-mentioned law has also recognized as professional translator those people who are specialized in translation and interpretation of the language of sign, since it has been requested by the deaf-mute community. Such professional figure should ensure, through translation in visual-gestural mode (sign language), the elimination of communication barriers, the linguistic interaction with people who do not know the sign language.
The “Ente nazionale sordi”, after many years of battles organizing awareness campaign in orders to stand up for the rights of deaf and dumb community, has finally seen all its efforts rewarded throughout the enactment of the LAW.
This law indeed recognizes the status of “fragile category” to all people affected by deafness and it constitutes an important framework facilitating their inclusion in the society removing communication barriers and abolishing discrimination. While acknowledging the enormous step forward taken by our country. I do wish that the “LIS Law” will be considered just the beginning of a pathways to inclusion and support of all fragile and marginalized categories. Those aspects represent the yardstick in order to define the society as civilized and developed, such principle is set in our Constitution where it is stated that a society has to remove all obstacles which may limit citizens freedom and equality in order to grant full development of human being.
Giulia Ciamei IVD