Sport: individual skill are more important than teamwork?


“In sport individual skill and talent are more important than teamwork.”  

Many people believe that those wondo not have an innate talent or individual skills for sport  cannot compete with those who have these characteristics, even with teamwork they cannot beat  someone with great talent. 

Most people think that is impossible to play sports if you don not have innate ability, they think  that is useless to try hard and train because they believe that beating someone with a great talent  is not possible, but i think they are wrong, commitment and perseverance always pays, Cristiano  Ronaldo is an exemple; thanks to his willpower he managed to go where no one ever thought,  and is now considered one of the best players of all time. 

Sports are divided into two types: individual and team, in individual sports obviously we can not  talk about teamwork, however i believe that someone who has given their best can still beat  someone with great talent. In team sports instead, teamwork is very important, let’s take football  for exemple, in this sport you cannot win alone, even the strongest player ever, Diego Armando  Maradona couldn’t win alons; “when you win it is a victory for the whole team, when you lose it is  a defeat for the whole team”, no matter how strong you are individually, but how strong you are as  a team. Many teams full of champions lose to teams made up of mediocre players with great  teamwork.  

It is a phenomenon that has played out in sport over and over again: a Coach assembles a roaster  of high performing athletes that everyone predicts will dominate the championship, but matched  up against a rival that lacks stars; risult, the elite team loses. For exemple Paris-Saint-Germain  despite being full of very talented players still lost against teams that showed a great teamwork. 

In conclusion, I believe that both individual talent and teamwork contribute to success. I don’t  think one is more important than the other, both are meaningful, but the most important thing is  commitment.

Marco Vassallo, III C