Tutti gli articoli: Liceo Machiavelli di Roma

Gothic art

Gothic art was born in France and began to take hold in the twelfth century, it will last until the fourteenth. Gothic art can be defined as “light”. Also for this type of art, in architecture, the more built structures are churches. These are formed by three naves, equipped with a porch and a transept. […]

‘Girl, interrupted’ review

Girl, interrupted is a 1999 film directed by James Mangold, based on the true story of Susanna Kaysen, written down in her diary. The film is set in 1969. The protagonist, Susanna, appears immediately unconventional, has aspirations (to the question “what will you do next?” answers with a simple “I just want to write”) are […]


The filters, fashion of recent times that allow us to appear good-looking even when you wake up or just returned from work. Good-looking, but for whom? for the aesthetic canons that are reducing us to proportions and measures far from reality or belonging to a few. Filters although they save us minutes of makeup and […]

Avocado production: double-edged weapon

Mexico is one of the leading producers and exporters of avocados, with 40% of the market, along with Peru and Chile. The United States had initially banned imports from Mexico, the largest producer, which could undermine the entire American production sector. In 1993, however, the North American Free Trade Agreement (“nafta”) between the United States, […]

Jesse Owens

James Cleveland Owens, also known as Jesse, was an American sprinter and long-distance athlete known for his participation in the 1936 Summer Olympics, where he won four gold medals and was the star of the Games. He is considered by many to be the greatest sports character of the 20th century and Per others is […]

“NO”- Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks was born in Tuskegee on February 4, 1913. His activism began with joining the American Civil Rights Movement in 1943, the same year he was appointed secretary of the NAACP: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, also supported by a young Martin Luther King. In 1955, he began attending the Highlander […]

La donna e il lavoro: dal XIII secolo ad oggi

Per secoli la donna ha vissuto in una società fatta per gli uomini e ha dovuto pagare a caro prezzo ogni conquista di libertà e d’indipendenza. Per molti secoli la funzione femminile era limitata all’ambito famigliare; il suo ruolo nei primi anni del 700 era quello di far crescere i figli e occuparsi della casa, […]

The surgeon who operated himself

Rogozov was only 27 years old at the time and had embarked as the only doctor on the ship Ob, which in early December landed him, along with another group of polar explorers on the Antarctic coast Astrid Princess, with the task of setting up a new Soviet base. The group worked hard and in […]

Il razzismo

Il razzismo è un tema tanto storico quanto attuale, perché nonostante le mille battaglie in campo, tutt’oggi riscontriamo situazioni raccapriccianti dettate dall’odio razziale e dalle varie discriminazioni. Queste definiscono un essere diverso da un altro per via di una cultura differente, colore di pelle differente o tratti somatici differenti. È proprio questa differenza a spaventare […]

Santa Claus

The figure of Santa Claus is inspired in the religious sphere by the figure of Saint Nicholas, protector of children. This is because it is said that during the celebrations in his honor the inhabitants of Myra, where he lived, were attacked by pirates who kidnapped a young man named Basil. The boy became the […]

Mahant Amar

Il Sadhu indiano Mahant Amar Bharti Ji, impiegato di New Delhi, sta sfidando, da ben 38 anni, ogni legge fisica e vitale, tenendo alzata la mano destra in segno di devozione. Nel 1970 decise di abbandonare la propria famiglia al fine di perseguire la sua devozione alla divinità Shiva, per cui nel 1973 alzò il […]

Il soffitto di cristallo

Il soffitto di cristallo è un’espressione usata per indicare l’impedimento dell’avanzamento della carriera di una persona o del raggiungimento della parità di diritti, per via di discriminazioni e barriere di origine razziale o sessuale, che rappresentano veri e propri ostacoli insormontabili. Sebbene esso riguardi svariate categorie, nel tempo il glass ceiling rappresenta soprattutto un punto […]

La pubblicità

La pubblicità è una costante dei nostri tempi: appare in tv, in radio, per strada, sui giornali, diventando parte integrante delle nostre giornate. Essa può riguardare qualsiasi argomento, dividendosi principalmente in propaganda politica, sociale e commerciale e indirizzandosi ad un pubblico vasto di qualsiasi età. Essa nasce nel XIX secolo, e nel corso del tempo […]