Tutti gli articoli: PiazziLenaPerpenti

Body Dismorphic Disorder

Most of us have something that we don’t like about our appearance. Most people accept these flaws and move on with their daily lives, but people who suffer from body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) become obsessed on that imperfection and think about their real or perceived flaws for hours a day.  Body dysmorphic disorder, also known […]

Une association vraiment curieuse

Il y a quelques mois j’étais sur Internet et j’ai tout de suite remarqué le titre d’un article, c’est à dire “à Paris, l’association Linkee distribue 450 colis alimentaires aux étudiants” et ça m’a vraiment intriguée. Après avoir lu l’article, j’ai aussi regardé des vidéos qui expliquent mieux l’initiative. L’article est tiré du journal Figaro, […]

Le vacanze in pandemia

Glamping: come non rinunciare alle vacanze anche in piena pandemia  Con l’arrivo delle vacanze e le restrizioni legate al covid la domanda più gettonata  degli ultimi mesi è stata ed ancora “dove, ma soprattutto, come andare in vacanza?” La risposta è semplice: si punta tutto sul glamping ! Questa parola di origine inglese, attualmente  molto […]

The green policy of Apple

Apple Computer has been lately concerned to the environment and sustainability and decided to make a huge effort on the green front, through the Restoration Fund. The Restoration Fund is a $200 million fund that deals with investments that promote so-called “functioning forests”, i.e. forests that produce timber in a sustainable way around the world, […]

House of Gucci

Ridley Scott’s last film, House of Gucci, is set in Italy and tells the story of the famous Italian brand Gucci, from its rising to its success and fall, focusing in depth on the murder of the founder, Maurizio Gucci .  The movie is based on Sara Gay Forden’s novel  “The House of Gucci: A […]

Carolina Kostner

Carolina Kostner , an international ice skating star, was born in Bolzano on February 8, 1987.  Carolina started skating at the age of 4, thanks to her father, a hockey player and her mother, a former skater herself. Both parents were quite well known worldwide. The girl developed her artistic and sporting talent in Ortisei […]

The Barre Project

Many people thought that the world of dance, due to the pandemic, was destined to die. It was a concrete risk. It might have happened if we’d simply let it disappear. However, the dance world is full of people with huge determination and extraordinary passion. It is thanks to this peculiarities, that in a short […]

Salma Okonkwo

Née à Accra, au Ghana, Salma Okonkwo est devenue la première femme PDG de Sahara Energy, a fondé sa propre société énergétique, UBI Energy, avec un chiffre d’affaires de 150 millions de dollars et a maintenant construit la plus grande centrale solaire d’Afrique de l’Ouest, appelée Blue Power Energy. Salma a grandi dans une grande […]

Recensione del libro “Il cacciatore di aquiloni” di Khaled Hosseini

Il romanzo intitolato “il cacciatore di aquiloni” del 2003, è l’opera prima dello scrittore statunitense di origine afgana Khaled Hosseini. Questo libro racconta dell’amicizia di due ragazzi afghani. L’intero libro è narrato attraverso un flashback e le vicende sono ambientate in Afghanistan, Pakistan e America. Amir vive col padre a Kabul, in una grande casa […]

Climate change and social impact

In this article we are going to talk about climate change, the natural disasters that it causes and the impact it has on society, in particular about how it affects human health and the populations that live in coastal towns. In the last part we are also going to address the protests led by Greta […]

When do pubs open indoors?

Pubs have reopened in England and Brits drink more beer than brewers can handle and now pubs need more beer.  After months of lockdown on 12 April, England has decided to reopen the outdoor service and for now only 40% of the 37,500 bars have enough space to stay open, but the British have taken […]

Positive affirmations

Positive affirmations are words that you can repeat to yourself over and over to help you develop the attitude you need to achieve your objectives. Dealing with obstacles and difficulties is the most difficult aspect of achieving any objective. These are the factors that cause most people to abandon their goals, but they are also […]

Tristan et Iseut

L’histoire raconte de Tristan, héritier du trône de Bretagne, qui a grandi dans la cour de son oncle maternel, Marc de Cornouailles. Tristan est noble et courageux mais il n’est pas bien vu par les barons du royaume qui ne le considèrent pas comme le digne héritier du roi Marc. Cornouailles doit faire face aux […]

Johnny Depp

John Christopher Depp was born on June 9, 1963 in Owensboro, a small industrial center in Kentucky. He is the youngest of four brothers and two sisters. His father John Christopher More Depp Senior is a city engineer and his mother Betty Sue Palmer works as a waitress. The family of Depp has mainly Irish, German, […]