Young people and the working world

Nowadays young people have lots of difficulties choosing the right job for them and the best choices to make having so many different opportunities; they might not feel prepared enough for the work life, therefore schools could help students introducing in their time table projects, such as internships to allow them to prepare for the working world.

First of all teachers could introduce work placements: In this way, young people have the possibility to understand the real worker’s daily routine and if what they learn from that single day really enjoy and satisfy them, too. It’s an opportunity to realise if the reality that they live in that work context is what they want for their future. At the contrary, seeing how many difficulties and stress adults have to face could terrify teenagers; young people are not used to take very important decisions or to worry about lots of things.

In addition, another project that teachers could introduce to help the teenagers’s job choice is establish links with local businesses. Luckily, many schools and universities already provided links with their city businesses because it helps young students to understand what type of career they want to start. An important thing that happens is that teachers create surveys to understand which is the right businesses for each student. In schools, for example, there is the possibility to listen to experts that explain how they act in their job and what usually happen in their offices in a usual day life.

To sum up, students should be followed by teachers, which should provide projects like workshops or work placement, in order to help student making the right decision for their future career, but a the same time students should think about what they really like and what they feel right for them and they don’t have to be scared to begin a new type of life.

Ester Antinolfi, III C