Change your life abroad

Living abroad changes your life and opens up a world full of opportunities ,but it is also a  courageous choice as you are forced to leave friends and family. 

Living abroad is an experience that changes your life for the better, both because it opens up a  world of opportunities and because it opens your mind and it is an experience that enriches you,  because by living abroad you learn about a new culture, new traditions and you change the vision  you had before the transfer, moreover your mind adapts faster to the news and accepts the  changes more easily. living abroad, it is also possible to learn a new language by greatly  improving one’s vocabulary and perfecting pronunciation.  

Moving abroad, however, unfortunately also has a negative aspect, namely that of leaving your  family and friends and certainly this causes nostalgia but we are lucky because we have very  advanced technology that allows us to communicate with them and keep us in touch at any time  with any way: calls, messages, video calls. 

In my opinion, moving abroad is an experience to try if you have the economic possibility, above  all because abroad offers you a better lifestyle, offers you job opportunities and allows you to  extend your culture.

Roberta Nasti, III A