Young people and the world of work

Lately one of the most discussed topic is about which is the best way to prepare young people to work. So which are the structures that schools and the State should introduce for better arrangements? And, at the contrary, what are the features that should be eliminated because they are not essential?

Firstly, schools should work about promoting workshops in order to help students to choose their future career and to train them both the knowledge and the skills that they require to get into university and to obtain a work place. Secondly, schools should mainly teach the subjects that students need to equip for their aspiring employment. Moreover if they focused on unnecessary topics, they would not have time to study the subjects recommended. However, most of time, workshops are not taken seriously because teenager usually tend to underestimate the importance of this opportunity and they are not allowed to choose the activities discussed during these study groups. So they might find them really tedious and boring.

In addition, the State should assure a larger quantity of work placements. In fact, it might be difficult founding a job for students that had already obtained a degree and finished a master course. As a case in point, statistics shows that more than 5.1% of students, once finished university, are unemployed. As a result, a lot of young people are forced to leave their native country and their family looking for an employ. So this increases the ageing index. However the State is covering scholarships for the students who cannot afford the tuition but this does not still provide work placements. 

In conclusion, most of time, scholastic preparation is not enough, but work experience is also required to achieve a job career.  However neither schools or the State are able to supply it. In my opinion, the scholastic organization should be completely revolutionized because it does not adapt to the requirements of the labor market.

Mariafrancesca Dionisio, III C