The world and its springs

The good season is upon us, they announce it the chirping of birds, the trees that regain their green mantle, the sun announce it, which warms and illuminates the nature that is waking up.

Spring is the season, in which everyone emerge from hibernation. In the northern hemisphere it comes between March 21 and June 21, while in the southern hemisphere it goes from September 23 to December 21. Spring it’s the season that follows winter and anticipate summer, it’s the moment in which everything awakens with sweet sensations.

Its names derives from spoken latin “primavera”, and written latin “ primo vere” that means “at the beginning of spring”, derived in turn from “ver, veris”, that is time, then season and finally spring.

These season praises of being the poetical inspiration of many important writers, poets and painters especially of the past, to which verses and entire works have been dedicated. A season that has always represented not only a period of fine weather but a real frame of mind; I allude to Pablo Neruda’s poems, otherwise Oscar Wilde, Botticelli, but also nursery rhymes that make us learn at school with the arrival of good weather.

This time of the year takes us to new beginnings, Germans call it “frhülingsgefhüle” literally spring fever, Italians people call it the season of love and English people are full of joy.

But let’s see some curiosities about this season with makes everyone happier.

In England they use the phrase: “ April showers bring May flowers” to encourage positive souls even though, as we all know, English climate is not the best given the incessant rains which, however, are able to make everything more beautiful.

In Germany the proverb “ April, April, der macht was er will” indicates how the month of April is a bit unstable, in which we can we can expect everything from this early spring.

In France is said : “En Avril, ne te découvre pas d’un fil”, and it means that during April is better not to abandon the coat yet. We can find a similar proverb also in England with ““ Ne’er cast a clout til May be out”, and signifies : Keep the desire for beauty and warmth at bay, do not abandon the sweaters because this period still reserves some surprises.

Also in Spain there’s a similar to the one in France and it says: “ Hasta el 40 de mayo no te quites el sayo” : until the forty of May do not take off your dress; to make us understand that we must be careful, that this splendid and warm sun that begins to warm us, can still deceive us.

In Portugal it is said “ Em Abril águas mil” which translated indicates that in April there are a thousand of waters; in fact the month of April seems to be a very rainy period.

For us Italians the proverb most linked to spring is “la primavera è la stagione dell’amore” : spring is the season of love. Spring is the most loved season by us Italians, we start going out, there is more light and the first heat even if at times a little shy makes us want to eat a nice ice cream.

Our Dutch friends welcome spring with the saying “Een nieuwe, een nieuw geluid”, “A new spring, a new sound”. Spring is the season of rebirth, this beautiful Dutch expression reminds us to turn off the TV, fold the blanket and take advantage of every new opportunity that life holds for us to fully enjoy life.

In the Arabic language we use the saying “الربيعيدكطبولة”, “spring beats its drums”; and it makes these season a humanized being who awakens and recalls us, who lets us know that he is coming, as if it wants to awaken us from hibernation and demands all our attention.

In Japan “ Shunsho ikkoku atai senkin” : “Half an hour on a spring evening is worth a thousand pieces of gold”, indicates the beauty of the colors of the spring season sky. This is an expressions that make us reflect on how the beauty of nature is worth more than a thousand material objects, especially after a cold and dark period.

In Russia “Ласковое слово, что солнышко в ненастье” means “ a kid word is like a a day of spring” because just as spring makes new flowers bloom, so new and kind words make love bloom.

And finally in Corea the saying 꽃샘 추위 (got-sem-chu-ui) translated directly means “” the cold envies the flower “, shows us how this season sees the cold fighting to stay, even though he knows that his time is about to end, and envy the flowers that are blooming giving life to new and spectacular flowers, announcing the arrival of heat, full of beauty and life.

As you can see every country waits for the good season to come, who with a pinch of prudence who with enthusiasm and happiness, full of energy and desire to do, but whether you are in Beijing, or Buenos Aires, or New York or Rome, as soon as April knocks, open the windows because the best is about to arrive.

Sara Ferrari 3AL